Our philosophy is simple: know your customers, understand their needs in detail and meet those needs.
In combination with ensuring compliance with legislation and enhancing safety at work, Ridgeway’s business model has helped cement its reputation as a ‘go to’ destination for the best products and solutions.
Our supplier base is a crucial investment in our business ethos and Ridgeway seeks to develop and grow sustainable long term relations with suppliers that develop and reinvest in new products and ideas for improvement on process, performance and price toward true best value on life time costs.
These long standing relationships allow us to supply best products and best practice to our customers throughout our product range.
Our ethos – expert service with a personal touch
We are proud of local manufacturing capabilities in Ireland, Europe and the UK and promote home-grown excellence as a priority for the local economy in our business plans, whilst constantly seeking out new opportunities and ideas from across the globe, returning them to the province to commercial scale reality and growth.
Our team are at the heart of what we do. Ridgeway have invested heavily in the right people and have a proud record of dedicated staff, suppliers and loyal customers.
The focus on good down to earth service with a personal touch ensures satisfaction and repeat business, it is at the heart of everything we do at Ridgeway.
With an experienced young management team we are looking to the future as we continue to invest in technology and systems to continuously improve on the service we offer to our customers and the places they live.

Wood Plastic Composite.
3.6 metres long.
1.2m and 2m high.
Prices vary by range – please contact us for more information.
Yes, please contact us for more information.